Reclaim Your Power eBook

3 Pillars to Heal from Sexual Trauma

Written by a survivor, for survivors. This eBook is a guide for those healing from sexual trauma and abuse. You will find tangible exercises, simple tools, and support for your healing journey. You do not have to heal alone. In this book I share with you my story, the exercises I used to heal, and the stories of others who used these same techniques to reclaim their power as well.

What to Expect

Creating a Safe Space

In these pages we set the ground rules and boundaries that are requested of you and of myself as you read and heal. Creating a safe space is the first step in any healing journey.

Body, Mind, Soul Connection

The three pillars to heal from Sexual Trauma live within the Body, Mind, Soul Connection. With each pillar you will be walked through an exercise to support your healing and take action towards a joyful and fulfilled life.

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma

We discuss 5 most common symptoms assault survivors face, the cycle of trauma and how to break it.

Next Steps

When I work with my clients, I never leave them stranded, and that is true in this eBook. We discuss next steps and ways for you to get additional support so your healing can continue.

Start your healing journey here.

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