You are a Survivor. You are Powerful.

“I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou

Beginning or resuming a healing journey can be intimidating, time consuming, and complex. It can feel like it’s just easier to keep carrying the weight of it, because that’s what you’re used to, as opposed to putting it down and letting it go.

Maybe you’ve tried other healing methods, like therapy, EMDR, medication, breath work, exercise…and maybe they served their purpose for a time, or are currently serving one aspect of your journey, but you feel like a comprehensive approach is still needed.

It can be challenging to know where to turn to and who to turn to after experiencing sexual abuse. Even if it happened years ago. It can feel hard to trust, seek support, and figure out how to get some concrete skills to overcome your trauma.

I know this because I’ve been there.

I am survivor of sexual abuse and with some time, patience, and determination, I’ve walked through my trauma to the other side and I am so grateful I did. I have a relationship with myself that I never thought was possible. I feel like who I am meant to be.

I am here because I want the same for you.

It wasn’t your fault, and I believe you.

Your Coach

Hi, my name is Danielle Shea, I am so grateful that you have found your way here.

I coach sexual assault survivors who are struggling with confidence and self-worth to reclaim their power.

I have an effective program that supports survivors to feel supremely whole and powerful in just 12 weeks.


Danielle Shea

What you can expect when you start working with me: 

  • Detangling what ‘fear’ says you are, and who you truly are
  • What are your current limiting beliefs
  • How the past doesn’t define you
  • Exploring self-worth and learning to love you for being you
  • Acknowledging doubt, but not letting it own you
  • Reclaiming your power
  • How to trust yourself
  • Solidarity, I’ve been there too
  • No judgment

As Seen On:

Upcoming Events:


There is support, resources, and help for you. We partner and connect with other like minded coaches and help centers around the globe. See what resources await.

Events / Classes

Our Free Masterclass is starting soon: 3 Pillars to Heal from Sexual Trauma and Reclaim your power. Click the link below to find out more about this free masterclass and how you can be supported.

Connect with Me

Searching for immediate support? Tired of feeling powerless? Tired of trying to hide and be invisible? I am here for you. Click the link below to reach out. I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Weekly Healing Tools Sent with Love

Created by a Survivor for Survivors

Get accessible, tangible healing tools that are working in real time with my clients in your inbox every week. It’s like having an expert healing coach in at your fingers tips for free each week. Plus, you’ll be sent a free essential Healing from Sexual Trauma checklist as a thank you. Use the button below to download your free gift and be added to the weekly emails. Take this one simple step so you can begin living a joyful and fulfilled life after experiencing sexual abuse.

Praise for Working with Danielle Shea

“Danielle was so calm and moved, she had a knowing and an understanding that only another survivor can have. She walked me through some of the steps that she had personally taken to heal. She helped me commit to thing and finding hope within that action. Now, I take it one day at a time and feel stronger than I did before my trauma I remember the first thing Danielle told me was “We always find each other.” Just in knowing that I had a sister in trauma was healing for me. This community is a community of survivors healing, growing, and accepting one another. When I made the decision to come into this community with others, I was able to find that healing, growth and acceptance that Danielle promised.”


“When I met Danielle, I was struggling with my colleges classes and on the verge of committing suicide. Danielle sat with me and let me pour my heart out. I told her my story. One that I looks very similar to some of the other people in these programs. Danielle was so calm and moved, she had a knowing and an understanding that only another survivor can have. She walked me through some of the steps that she had personally taken to heal. She helped me commit to thing and finding hope within that action. Now, I take it one day at a time and feel stronger than I did before my trauma.”


*Client’s names have been changed to protect their identities

Disclaimer: Danielle Shea, Danielle Shea Blog, and company are not medical or financial professionals. The content on this site is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please see your physician, financial adviser, or lawyer for medical and financial advice.

Affiliates: This website contains links to affiliate sites. When you click on one of these links you’ll be directed to a product or service Danielle Shea references. If you decide to buy that product or service Danielle Shea will receive a small commission at no additional costs to you.

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